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Kronos: player who haven't killed any mains gets 0 points

Giving 0 points to a player who fought a lot but haven't killed any mains is totally unfair. I've experienced that in one of the battles where I was defending our flag most of the time and was heavily outnumbered in many cases. Even though our team won and everyone else on it got 200+ points.

Superuser, 25.05.2014, 00:22
Idea status: under consideration


Alardan, 29.05.2014, 13:56

I do think this is unfair, particularly since inactive players get kicked anyway.

However I'm not sure you need to kill a main. Killing mercs get points as does retrieving flag. The problem is if you get killed you can lose points.

If it is getting late and I notice someone without points I invite them to join my fight and I try to leave a weakened merc for them to kill. If I'm without points and no one is helping then I just join a random allies fight an try to kill once of the mercs.

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