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Return displaying all items in the market instead of Top 5

Please, give us an option to see (and buy) all the items registered in the market.
This is essential for trading as well as buying scenarios where people would only start buying items if there is sufficient affordable supply of these items, e.g.:
1) Mercenary Steel Boxes
2) Broken Ammo & Cannonballs
3) Various quest-related shards
4) Lucky coins
Even buying a lot of +0 gear to enchant it to make a +6 gear - all of these scenarios are broken now.

Superuser, 25.05.2014, 00:44
Idea status: under consideration


chinezu, 29.05.2014, 09:43
i think this is "buged" for the reason that some players used market... items like +0 freezing to sell gold on AO so theoreticaly is a "needed bug" for the moment ...
GenFemMage, 30.05.2014, 17:58
Ah, it took me several times of reading this to understand it. I don't understand the above comment, because I don't understand how to scam/spam for gold, but that's ok, it also means I won't be banned. :-)
Regarding the suggestion, maybe it would help if in market, if I look up "Mercenary's Steel Box" on the blue header line right above "item," "price," and "qty," there would be a tally of the total off all the items of that type available? So, if there are 10 or 10,000 boxes available to buy, you would know if there was enough for your needs.
Alardan, 31.05.2014, 10:52
It might also help if you could enter a quantity and filter the market to show the 5 cheapest stacks with at least that number.

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