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Reduce or remove the 10% gold penalty when killed without Blessing License

The game is already hard enough to play without BL after you reach level 100.
Adding a 10% gold loss penalty just makes people less active - they just wouldn't go fighting with monsters unless they have a BL on. They would only do diary or TBS instead.

Superuser, 25.05.2014, 00:55
Idea status: under consideration


whilmar, 30.05.2014, 07:51
what would be the banks good for then?
GenFemMage, 30.05.2014, 14:17
As I posted with the comment about titles, there are many non-player causes for getting DC'd during a fight. I had a problem with my ISP repeatedly losing connection. It took months of complaints from the entire neighborhood for the ISP to actually do something about the problem. During that time, during high neighborhood use, I would get DC'd as often as every 5 minutes. It made playing with out BL out of the question. It wasn't my fault; it wasn't Nexon's faul; but I would still get penalized. And the banks make money from GC, people using town teleport, hospitals, and markets. Unless Nexon is able to definitively tell whether I click on the "logout" button during a battle, and I wasn't just DC'd due to a thunderstorm, this policy needs to go!
indigo11, 31.05.2014, 12:26
I'm in favor of the penalty being there, but I do agree that it shouldn't apply to getting d/c.
Iarei, 01.06.2014, 10:33
I'd be in favor of making the penalty :

10% of your held gold
( your level ) * 250,000g

Which ever is lower.

Losing 40 million gold is nothing to sneer at if you're 160, but it's also not such a penalty that it would keep people from playing.
D, 06.07.2014, 16:12
Does this still happen? I thought it was removed several months ago, and I thought I tested it in the last couple of months.

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