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World map should highlight the nearby quest locations

World map should highlight the nearby quest locations.
Over the course of the game you start dozens of quests and it gets harder and harder to navigate the list of these quests. Given that most of the people auto-move between the towns and quest locations it would help to see what other quests are in the vicinity to save the time walking back and forth.

Superuser, 25.05.2014, 00:57
Idea status: under consideration


GenFemMage, 30.05.2014, 16:32
Great idea. Some areas, like Northeast Asia are incredibly compact, with town names and dungeon names all overlapping, while Chang An is spread out all over the map. Having the map icon pulse, like your location arrow or the blue party member dot, would be helpful. Some players might find it annoying (you can't please everyone), so maybe a check-box in settings would work, like "mark quest monsters," there could be "mark quest locations."

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