Atlantica Online Suggestion Tracker All the ideas and discussions
39 votes Vote

Ban the players who Trash Nexon and AC's daily

some players seem to have only 1 goal in the game and its trashing Nexon and AC's daily and demotivate other players

AoPlayer2, 29.05.2014, 03:17
Idea status: under consideration


steviel, 01.06.2014, 18:41
Please don't let this site turn into a bunch of nonsense ideas.
Lol, 03.06.2014, 18:00
LOl this suggestion must be from some AC, how much NX they give you per month mate?

pity on those that voted this silly "idea"
AoPlayer2, 04.06.2014, 00:07
Im not an AC, im somebody who cares about the game, besides i don't want to argue(perhaps you are 1 of the trashers) if you don't support it you have the right not to vote on it.
as you can see there are more people who cares about the game like me who voted on it
D, 06.07.2014, 16:14
Ban ACs. They're mostly a buffer layer between "real" Nexon and the players. We need less of that, not more.

Their place is somewhat undefined and too authoritarian. Nexon should have employees doing that job, or the volunteers should have VERY defined roles.
Demera, 03.08.2014, 02:36
HELLO, HITLER! Fancy meeting you here.

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