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Make guild crafting queue longer

Today guild crafting queue is set to 5 items. With 100 guild members in the top guilds it makes it much harder to submit anything to the queue when you are playing at odd hours (when GC does not move much). Making it 10 or more items long might, imho, work better.

Superuser, 29.05.2014, 23:42
Idea status: under consideration


GenFemMage, 30.05.2014, 14:05
Excellent suggestion. I think even more than 10 would be even better. If an over-eager newer player fills up the GC with their lower level crafts and I have to go to work or go to bed, I have to wait until the next day to post my crafts in the queue. It would also be nice if the GL could start the craft as long as there is SOMEONE in the guild with that level of craft. For example, a 160 player (who is not the GL) can craft Pega Spears, but the GL can only personally craft Evil. Since it is a collaborative effort and someone has gone through the trouble of getting the mats, the GL should be able to the start the GC of Pega Spears if a guild member has that capability. I know that last one is a longshot and unlikely, but it would still be nice.
Nibelung, 28.10.2014, 02:12
and GC should be auto-started if guild got player with skill to start it

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