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Tooltip for some items registered for sale at the market does no show their price

When you register items for sale at the market you can typically come back and check the item price by hovering the cursor over the item and observing the tooltip.
Unfortunately for some of the items with long market descriptions tooltip does not display their sale price, which makes trading them inconvenient. These items include:
1) Concentration licenses (all durations, All and Merc Only included).
2) [Common] Nouvelle Cuisine Feast

One workaround is known for this issue - you can check the list of items you have registered on the market by clicking Alt+N to open the Character screen. But, due to another bug in the Character screen market items refresh too often which makes it hard to see items beyond the top 7.

Superuser, 05.06.2014, 21:59
Idea status: under consideration


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