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Add function to exchange equipment on 2 mercs

Add function to exchange equipment on 2 mercs of same or similar (melee, ranged, magic) class. This can allow us to focus on better gear, instead of lousy gear on all mercs.

Oskar, 09.06.2014, 00:55
Idea status: under consideration


Superuser, 10.06.2014, 03:16
Sorry, I didn't quite got the idea... Could you possibly clarify what you are suggesting?
Oskar, 10.06.2014, 03:24
sure. say you have lvl 155 mwindo and lvl 160 monk. you are using mwindo normally, during questing, grinding and she is fully equipped. monk is in merc room. for FL, you need monk and you don't want to use mwindo. but monk has no equipment or some leftovers. normally, you put both of them into formation and transfer equipment piece by piece from mwindo to monk and then put mwindo in merc. room. i would like that to be more comfortable task to do.

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