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Whisper message cannot be fully copied back to clipboard

Message text is truncated to just approximately first line of it on copy to clipboard. So if you've typed a message and try to copy it back from the input line only a portion of it actually ends up in the clipboard buffer.

Pasted in (68 chars): Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendiss
Copy back (50 chars): Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consect

Pasted in (51 chars): 012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
Copy back (26 chars): 01234567890123456789012345

Pasted in (80 chars): ....1....1....1....1....1....1....1....1....1....1....1....1....1....1....1....1
Copy back (37 chars): ....1....1....1....1....1....1....1..

Superuser, 09.07.2014, 00:23
Idea status: under consideration


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